October 18, 2010

The Perfect Combination

Jessie and I go and visit my cousin Min and his wife Jennifer, who just recently had their third kid. On seeing Jessie's stomach, Jennifer asks if she's 3 or 4 months pregnant. 

For the last time, it's just a pooch, people! I feel bad for my wife, but hey, that's what happens when you don't use the Wii Fit I bought you. Don't say that I haven't tried to get you in shape. That pooch isn't going to go away by itself.

Min asks me whether I want a boy or a girl. I've got this speech memorized. "I used to want a girl. Jessie used to want a boy. Now, all we want is a healthy baby." And that's the truth. The most important thing is that our kid is born with 10 fingers, 10 toes, and two eyes. And by 10 fingers and toes, I mean 5 on each hand and foot, not 10. That would be a bit disturbing, even by my standards.

I say how I think we're going to have the perfect baby because he/she will be a balance of both our personalities. We're on opposite ends of the spectrum. I'm not great at schmoozing with people. Jessie could chat for hours. I'm slow to anger. As for Jessie, well, I've lost count of the number of times she's gotten mad at me. I tend to under-think things. She tends to over-think. I like nature. She likes the city. I'm patient. She's not. 

Maybe that's why we're a perfect fit for each other. Because opposites attract. Or, maybe that's why I end up on the couch so often.

My belief is that our baby will have a perfect 50/50 combination of our personalities. Unfortunately, my cousin says that more than likely, this won't be the case. He says that the baby will probably have the personality of one of the parents, not a combination. Sigh, there goes my hope for our perfect baby. I guess I'll just settle for healthy.

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