October 7, 2010


My wife, Jessie, and I just recently found out that she's pregnant. This journal is a way to chronicle our life as we prepare to welcome a screaming, crying, peeing, pooping, upchucking bundle of joy, otherwise known as a baby, into our family. 

For those that have too much time on your hands, this is the perfect way to entertain yourself for a few minutes a week, hopefully getting a good chuckle or two out of it while you're at it. I will try to account for details as accurately and unbiasedly as possible, though I'm sure I'll always be a tad bit more partial towards my side of the story.

First and foremost, let me just preface this entry by saying that I am no baby expert. When I took to calling myself Ed the Baby Expert, my wife scoffed at me and said anyone could look up facts and information on the Internet like I do and call themselves an expert. True, but how many people can actually do it with the style and grace that I possess. That last retort left her stupefied.

But yes, while my username implies that I am an expert, and while I would like to say that I am, I know I have much to learn still. However, if you do have any questions about anything pregnancy related, then Ed the Baby Expert is at your service!

By the way, did you know that it's common for pregnant women to have light bleeding during the first few weeks of pregnancy.  This is called implantation bleeding. As the egg implants itself in the uterus, sometimes the egg disrupts the lining of the uterus, which causes the bleeding.

Bam! Just laid down some knowledge for ya. That one was free of charge. You're very welcome.

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