October 13, 2010

Praise Baby Jesus

The usual symptoms of pregnancy have been rearing their ugly heads for about a week now. So far, I've weathered the storm and come out of it with only a few minor bumps and bruises. The wife's been complaining nonstop about headaches, backaches, being tired, nausea, cramps, etc. You name it, she's got it. Her mood swings haven't been much better either.

Last night, as we are getting ready for bed, I tell her to tuck her shirt into her pajama pants. This way, her abdomen won't get cold during the night. I help pull her pants all the way up to her chest so she looks like one of those old folks that pull their pants really high. I can't help but start laughing at how cute and silly she looks. 

She comes over, puts her head on my shoulder and starts pretending to cry, or at least I think she's pretending to cry. I finally look at her face, and she's actually crying! Oh man, I'm hoping it won't be the couch for me tonight, so I tell her that I'm not laughing at her, I'm laughing with her. Except of course, she's not really laughing. I'm finally able to calm her down and get her into bed.

Since her back has been hurting, I place a small towel under her lower back to help support it. I get it adjusted for her and help straighten her body out for her. She looks so funny lying there that I can't help but laugh again. And once again, the tears start coming out. I coddle her like a little child and shush her. Thankfully, it works. I'm still in our bed. Well-played, baby expert, well-played.

Later that night, I wake up to the sounds of her crying. It seems like her stomach is hurting pretty bad. This has been a nightly thing. Every night, I'll usually wake up to her crying about her stomach, her back, or her headaches.

I try to comfort her the best I can. I'm not exactly sure how much pain she should be in at this point in her pregnancy, but they always seem pretty severe. I've been telling her to get these problems checked out for a few days now. Better safe than sorry, but each time, she always says no. You're freakin' stubborn, woman!!

Sometimes, I can't help but get upset at her because I'm trying to get her help, but she refuses. How can I help you if you don't allow me to help you? It can get pretty frustrating. I keep trying to reason with her that it's our baby's health that's at risk and that we need to take every precaution necessary. If there's a problem we need to address or be concerned about, the sooner we find out about it, the better.

I'm expecting more of her stubbornness, but last night, it seems we finally have a breakthrough. The pain is so bad that she finally breaks down and agrees to see the doctor in the morning. 

Hallelujah! Praise baby Jesus! It's about time she realizes she needs to get this checked out. I know I shouldn't be celebrating while my wife's writhing in pain, but I can't help but do a fist pump in the air before going back to tending my wife. Victory is mine!

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