August 5, 2015

Summer Days

With summer in full swing, we've been trying to keep Caitlyn as busy as possible. Much of it involved signing her up for various classes. These included: ballet, kung fu, and drawing.

Thankfully, after two classes, she's shown no interest in ballet. (I fail to see how doing a pirouette will help her in life.) Only drawback is we already paid for the ballet outfit. But now I guess we know what she can go as for Halloween.

She's always liked drawing, so drawing class seemed like a natural fit for Caitlyn. And she didn't disappoint with her artwork. I've already got two of them mounted and proudly hanging up in our house!

You can add Caitlyn to that list of people who love kung fu fighting. Her kicks are definitely fast as lightning. Out of all three classes that she took this summer, kung fu has been her favorite. She practices her moves at home and quotes kung fu philosophy and poetry. The primary reason is her teacher. He's great with young kids, is funny, and makes everything fun. 

Caitlyn is normally very shy with strangers, and it takes a long time to warm up to people, so to see him able to bring her out of her shell, yelling, chanting, kicking, and punching alongside the other kids is very exciting. I've been telling the wife all along that martial arts will help boost Caitlyn's confidence, and I wasn't wrong - naturally. You are seeing the next Cynthia Rothrock in the making!