January 26, 2011

Crazy, Pregnant Woman Alert

With my parents staying with us at our apartment for a month, eating out every night isn’t ideal. My parents rarely go out to eat or to the grocery store since they plant all their own vegetables and fruit at home.  And since my mom is a vegetarian, everything is very simply prepared. She doesn’t like all the chemicals and processed foods that you find on the grocery shelf or in restaurants. This is why she volunteered to cook dinner at our home. 

I thought this was a good idea. It’d be healthier and we’d all save a buck or two. After picking up Jessie from work, she asks me what my mom is cooking and I say she’s cooking two vegetable dishes and a main dish.

The wife immediately begins freaking out, saying that we don’t have enough food and that she doesn’t know how much more food we should buy. I try to calm her down and tell her it’s not a big deal. We have enough food. If we don’t have enough, we can always cook more. Plus, my parents don’t eat that much. That’s not enough to comfort Jessie, however.

She goes on a rant about how I’m letting her and our baby starve because of my lack of foresight. Not wanting to get into another fight, I tell her I’m sorry and say we can buy more food if she feels like we don’t have enough. She says she doesn’t know how much to buy and worries about buying too much or too little. I tell her to buy more if she’s that worried about starving. 

I tried not to let this little outburst upset me, but it does. First of all, the way she was going on about this, you’d think that the world was coming to an end. It’s just dinner, baby! My mom’s got things under control. In all her years of being a mom, I think she’d know how to prepare dinner for four people. The wife’s a natural worrier, but being pregnant has taken it to the next level.

Second, I was a bit put-off by her comment about how she’s pregnant and eats more than before. I can accept this, except for the fact that she actually eats less now that she’s pregnant than when she wasn’t! I seriously don’t even know how she’s gaining weight. Anytime we eat, she eats half of what’s on her plate and then says she’s stuffed. If anything, my mom probably overcooked, not undercooked the amount of food we’d eat.  

Finally, does she actually think my mom or I would let her starve? Does she think that lowly of us? She says I get offended too easily, but how can I not, when she claims I’m trying to starve her.

I have to keep reminding myself, “She’s pregnant, she can’t help it. She’s pregnant, she can’t help it. Give the crazy woman a break.”

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