November 18, 2010


We're hanging out at Jessie's parent's house after dinner last night, and I ask if she wants to go for a walk before we head home. She says OK and tells her parents that we're taking a walk. They seem quite excited at the prospect of their daughter finally getting some exercise.

As we set off, I ask her if she wants to walk by the river, which is just across the street. She hesitates, probably ponders that it would be a long walk, and says that maybe we should just take a trip around the block. I say OK and head in that direction. Then, she hesitates again and says that she's a bit tired, but still willing to walk with me. I believe she's trying to drop a hint, so I tell her we can postpone our walk, but she insists on continuing.

We take a few more steps and then she hesitates one last time and says that it's chilly. Fair enough. I lead her back towards our home and she says the words I've been waiting forever and a day to hear. 

"OK, I admit it. I'm lazy!" 

Ah! So we've finally moved away from a stage of denial and into acceptance. We're making progress. Where's a bottle of champagne when you need it? As the saying goes, "Knowing is half the battle!"

When we get home, a Steven Seagal movie is playing on TV as usual. And why not. After all, he is one of the most iconic and beloved people in the world. She starts to dig in on him about how he's fat, old, and doesn't seem that great. She usually does this whenever she sees him on TV, and I've had just about enough of her slanderous comments, so I break out all the Youtube clips of Seagal at his 7th-dan, black belt finest.

Even Jessie has to admit that she's impressed with his lightning quick moves and credentials (one of which is being a reincarnated Tibetan lama), though I think she was more fascinated at how he kept his hair perfectly in place while fighting. She seems to be warming up to him now, which is good, because I've decided that we're naming our baby, Seagal.

A quick search for the meaning of this name turns up empty, which means I can coin my own. From this moment on, I hereby declare that the name Seagal shall mean
kick-ass! Furthermore, it shall be known that Seagal is a unisex name.

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