February 23, 2011

Better Late than Never

It’s finally happened, people. The wife and I have finally caught up with the rest of the world. That’s right, we got ourselves an iPhone! If you notice a dip in entries, this is the reason why. I’m probably busy playing with my new toy.

At first, Jessie was a bit hesitant at making the purchase because of the price tag that came with it, but as I told her, I refuse to be a parent who doesn’t keep up with technology and seems like an inept oaf to their kid. I want to make sure I’m up-to-date with all the latest gizmos and gadgets and crazes, so I can connect with our child. 

Jessie’s worried that she’s already fallen way behind the curve. For people like us who come from simpler times, we just use the phone to call people. The end. There never was an urge or need to play games on them, send e-mails, watch videos, and do the countless other things that phones can do now. There never really seemed a need to use it for anything else…until now.

After having the phone for a few days, I can see what the hype is about. The phone is amazing! I’m memorized by my new wonder toy. I’ve already spent countless hours pouring over the seemingly unending list of apps that I can play with on my phone. And the wife is definitely less than pleased at the amount of time I’m spending with my new baby.  

I look to the future and think of all the educational uses something like the iPad could provide our daughter with. Games, books, educational tools…all in one handy, easy to carry tablet. The possibilities are truly endless. And as an added bonus, I get to use it, too!

Now the only thing that’s left is to see what the whole hubbub over Twitter is.

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