May 18, 2011

To Blog or Not to Blog

One of the many things I bought for our baby was a memory book. I think it’s important to document things so you have something to look back on in the future. That’s the reason why I started this blog. However, I’m not exactly sure if this blog is an accurate representative of what goes on in our lives. There’s probably an overabundance of male testosterone and immaturity mixed in.

That’s why I wanted Jessie to start one too. This way, there would be two sides to the story. However, every time I brought the idea up, she always had some sort of reason for me as to why she couldn't. “I’m too tired.” “I’m too busy.” "I'm too pregnant."

To her credit, she did “journal” in a notebook for a short period of time. But when I say the word ‘journal,’ I use it very loosely. She mainly wrote down short phrases and things she needed to do for the week.
Apparently, on Jan. 5, we had a fight. Not too uncommon in this household. However, after fact checking with my own blog, I notice that I make no mention of the aforementioned fight. See, this is exactly what I'm talking about. It's always good to have a second party taking down notes in case the other person misses something.
After Jessie quit her job about two months ago, I was hoping she would use this time to start a blog. After all, she’s stuck at home without much to do. This could be something to keep her busy.

But her new excuse turned out to be, “I’m not good at writing.” That’s funny coming from a person who once said, and I quote, “My writing would move you to tears.” Wow! Now that’s a pretty bold statement to make. About the only thing I would say my writing does to people is make them cringe or shake their head in bewilderment.

Unfortunately, the world may never see such writing from her, as it’s pretty obvious she’s adamant about not blogging. However, when I mentioned buying a memory book and said that it would be a mixture of writing short recollections and pasting photos in, she seemed interested and agreed to do it.

When I showed her the actual memory book yesterday, she took one look at it and said, “Oh, I have to write in it?” Uh, yea. That’s what we talked about. Wouldn’t be much of a memory book if you don’t write things down. She looked a bit dismayed and repeated her question again, “I have to write in it?” Woman, please! This is your daughter here! A little writing never killed anyone. Now let me be moved to tears!

P.S. When Jessie saw that I was posting pictures of her on the blog, she asked, then begged, and then finally threatened me to take out the pictures. At the very least, she told me to fix up the pictures so she wouldn't look so hideous in them. First of all, you're not hideous, you're beautiful. Second, you can't fix perfect!

So sad. Someone's more interested in her iPhone than her brand new memory book.

Even opening the book up a bit to entice her to take a peek couldn't break her gaze from the phone.

Contemplating what to look at first.

Jessie posing with all her new baby items.

A big, heartfelt thanks to my mom for lugging all this stuff over here!

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