May 14, 2011


This past weekend, the wife decides she wants to tell my parents about the baby still being in breech. I warn her against this because I know my mom will begin to worry. Who knows how she would react to the news. But Jessie insists that we tell her because my parents will have to know about it sooner or later.

After hearing the news, my mom just gives Jessie some advice on how to help make the baby turn down and asks us to keep her posted. OK, so that didn’t go too badly. Maybe I was overreacting a bit earlier.

Hah! As if. On Tuesday, my dad calls and tells us they’ve changed their plane tickets from June 12 and are now coming here next week. What?! I keep waiting for him to say, “You got punk’d!” but it never comes. Of course, this sends Jessie into panic mode. I’ve told her time and time again, ain’t nobody know my momma like I do. This is what she gets for not listening to me.

Not that she nor I have anything against my parents, but can anyone really stand having their parents stay for two months in a small, cramped apartment? I tell her I’ll take care of things and call back my parents.

I try to convince my dad that perhaps it’s best not to jump to a decision so early. After all, Jessie has another doctor’s appointment next Tuesday, and perhaps we’ll get some good news. Then, they wouldn’t have to come early. If they came early, it would just put more pressure on Jessie to do something about our breeched baby.

My dad says the reason they’re coming up really has to do with my mom getting a medical check-up here. I ask what’s wrong and he says that nothing is wrong. Well, if there’s nothing wrong, then there’s no rush to come up so early, right?

He finally admits that my mom has been having high blood pressure recently, but didn’t want to tell us because he didn’t want us to worry. They want to get the problem checked out quickly in case there’s something really wrong, and they feel having the tests done here would be more beneficial since the doctors would be speaking Chinese to them.

How interesting. I didn’t want to tell my parents about our breeched baby because I didn’t want them to worry. And they come right back and say that they didn’t want to tell us about my mom’s high blood pressure because they didn’t want us to worry.

I’m still trying to figure out if that’s a good thing or not. It’s good that we care enough not to want the other party to worry, but at the same time, it’s not good that we’re keeping things from each other. Sigh, life can be so complicated sometimes.

But always the one to look at the brighter side of things, I can’t wait to get all the goodies I ordered a month early! Christmas is coming again in May!

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