May 16, 2011


4 weeks in and it looks like my diarrhea is here for the long haul. I go online to see if others suffer a similar problem to mine, and I see there are thriving communities for people that suffer from morning diarrhea just like me.

It’s comforting to know I’m not the only one going through this. But at the same time, it worries me when I see that some people have had this problem for years with no relief in sight. I don’t really know if I can only eat bread and rice for the rest of my life. What's the point of living if a man can't order a slab of medium rare steak with all the fixings?

I also learn that in Chinese medicine, this symptom is called cock’s crow diarrhea. I like the sound of that. So much more creative than irritable bowel syndrome. The coolness factor gets upped a notch when you add the word 'cock' to any phrase or sentence.

This morning, Jessie sends me an article about cock’s crow diarrhea and says that it’s caused by stress. Thanks for the info, but you’re a bit late to the party. I believe that was already addressed at the doctor’s.

She then asks me what’s on my mind. I guess she wants to play Dr. Phil now. Time for a little heart to heart talk.

So, what’s on your mind?
Me: Well, I keep thinking about all the goodies I ordered from Amazon that I’m about to get.
Jessie: That’s not stress.
Me: You asked what was on my mind. That’s what’s on my mind.
Jessie: Sigh.
Me: Ok, I am a bit stressed that you won’t let me take a picture of your swollen feet for my next blog entry. I’ve got a great piece ready to go, and the only thing missing is the picture. It’s so frustrating!
Jessie: There are enough pictures on your blog already. I look so ugly. When will you stop taking pictures?
Me: First, you say I don’t take enough pictures of you, and then when I start taking more pictures, you tell me to stop. This gives me stress because I’m confused as to what I should be doing. No wonder I have diarrhea. You’re the cause of all of this!
Jessie: Sigh.


  1. I agree, more pictures are needed.

  2. i saw the videos that you took on our camcorder and how you like to zoom in on Jessie's face. you should let her take pictures of you to post on here!

  3. Or, maybe she should make her own blog and post the pictures on there!
