April 5, 2011

Bed Time Issues

Recently, Jessie has been waking up in the middle of the night because she can’t sleep. She’ll usually go into the living room and play games on her iPhone (she’s trying to beat my high score on Wacka Monsta, which currently ranks in at #5 in the world) until she feels tired again. She’s concerned that her comings and goings disturb my sleep. I figure this is how life is going to be once the baby comes, accept it as the norm, and have never complained about it. 

She’s offered several times to sleep in the guest room where the bed is more like a cot than a bed. Like I would actually let her sleep in there. What kind of person does she think I am? I tell her that I should go sleep in the guest room so she can have more room to herself, but she says no and insists on sleeping in the guest room.

Is this some sort of test? Will she go running off to tell her mom what a lousy husband I am if I consent to this? I stand my ground and tell her if she’s going to sleep in the guest room, then I’m going to sleep on my timeout couch. After all, it’s been awhile since I’ve paid my dear friend a visit. 

She says if I sleep on the couch, then she’s going to sleep on the floor. Right…I’d like to see her back that up. I, on the other hand, have slept on the floor on many occasions, but those are stories for another time and another post.

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