March 16, 2011


Tonight, the wife and I had a lively discussion over what type of sleep sack to get the baby. In other words, we had a pretty heated argument. 

I have already convinced her not to put any blankets or pillows in the crib with the baby. Doing so increases the chances of SIDS (Sudden Infant Death Syndrome). Babies can suffocate themselves if they inadvertently cover their faces with a blanket or pillow. This is why the American Academy of Pediatrics recommends removing such objects until the baby is at least 12 months old. At this time, the chances of SIDS falls drastically. 

In place of a blanket, I decided to go with a sleep sack, which is more or less a sleeping bag that the baby can’t wiggle out from. There is no chance of the bag covering the baby’s face. Jessie agreed that this would be a good purchase. 

The argument stemmed from how many to buy. I wanted to buy two while the wife only wanted one. Her reasoning is that we should buy one first to test out. Maybe our baby won’t like the one we buy for her, so if we bought two, that would be money down the drain. If anything, Jessie says we can still wrap our baby up in a blanket if the sleep sack gets dirty.

My reason for wanting to buy two was that we should have a back-up in case her diaper leaks or she spits up on the first sleep sack. I don’t want to be caught unprepared. I’d rather be safe than sorry. And even if our baby doesn’t really like the sleep sack at first, I’m sure it’s something that she can get used to. 

In the end however, I concede defeat rather than face a night on the couch. I only order one, but not because I wanted to, mind you. She may have won this battle, but while she was in the shower, I beat her high score on the iPhone game, Knock the Cans, which she had earlier been gloating about. Take that, woman!

I hope our daughter doesn’t inherit my passive/aggressive nature.

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