March 27, 2011

Entering the Danger Zone

I like getting up early in the mornings to do chores on the weekends. Does that make me a freak? I find it a refreshing way to start the morning. Everything is peaceful, most people are sleeping, and I like to pretend I have the whole world to myself. After washing the dishes, doing the laundry, and cleaning around the house, I feel like I have the rest of the day to do what I want without having to worry that I have chores left to do.

Jessie’s the opposite. She likes to stay in bed and complains when I get up, even though I’m super quiet. She feels weekend mornings are meant to be taken slowly where we enjoy breakfast together and watch some TV, leaving any household chore to be done later. I won’t argue with that, but if I can finish all the tasks that I want to before she wakes up, isn’t that OK? Can’t I have my cake and eat it too?

Today starts off like most Saturdays, with me doing the laundry in the morning. Jessie gets up and tells me not to put too much in the washing machine, as is my habit. She starts to come over to help pick what clothes should be washed, but being very anal over the order of clothes to be washed, I tell her that I’ve got things under control. Perhaps I was a bit snippy with her and it rubs her the wrong way. In turn, she starts to ignore me. 

We were supposed to go visit a friend in the afternoon and she had been floundering all morning about whether she wants to go or not. Finally, right when we’re about to leave, she abruptly says she’s not going. She gives some excuses about it raining and how she should spend time with her mom instead. However, I know she’s doing this on purpose just to spite me for what I did earlier in the morning. 

We get into an argument during which I decide to walk out before things get worse. But while outside, I realize I shouldn’t leave her alone in the apartment. I man-up, go back to the apartment, and apologize for getting hot-headed. She doesn’t exactly forgive, but at least we’re not fighting anymore. 

Later, I check the pregnancy calendar. She’s 30 weeks into her pregnancy now and I want to see what it has to say about women at this stage. I guess I shouldn’t have been surprised when one of the first things it said was to be aware of mood swings. I hadn’t realized it at the time, but she’s entered into the third trimester. 

Time to put on the battle armor again. Oh, and no more washing laundry early on weekend mornings either.

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