March 5, 2011

Decisions, Decisions

We’ve just recently started getting serious about baby stuff. No more talking, it’s time to start buying! She’s in charge of clothes, and I look for everything else. For the past couple of days, I have been looking at crib mobile and have finally narrowed it down to two that I like. Now I keep flip-flopping over which one to buy. 
Rainforest Peek-a-Boo mobile
Precious Planet 2-in-1 mobile

One is an intricate rainforest mobile which I think would keep the baby occupied and interested. The other is a light projector which shows some moving pictures on a screen. I keep searching through customer comments trying to find the one that has some sort of deal breaker that would make things easier for me, but both seem to have their pros and cons. 

The wife laughs at my intensity and gusto at deciding which mobile to purchase. I’ve read every review, watched every YouTube clip, dissected the way they look, move, and sound, and have their music on a continuous loop in my head throughout the day. You’d think that I was planning on making a huge investment instead of buying a $30 toy. 

In short, I take my job seriously. However, a thought does cross my mind as to why the heck I’m going through all this trouble. The baby could probably care less as to which one I buy. She won’t have any recollection of how cool the mobile looks when she’s grown up. She’ll be too busy eating, sleeping, and pooping to even notice it. I could probably make a mobile out of wire hangers and tie some rolled up paper balls to it and she’d be happy. 

The thought of this frustrates me, but I carry on in my quest. In the end, I finally settle on the light projector mobile. It’s the first step to getting our baby addicted to TV. Don’t judge me.

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