March 10, 2011

A New Life for an Old Toy

Inspired by the light projector mobile, I decided to make my own. A year ago, the wife and I had taken a trip to Hong Kong. While there, I saw a small handheld, mini projector that I thought was the coolest thing. It cost a good chunk of money, but I figured I could use it in the classroom whenever I wanted to show the kids something on the Internet. 

Like with a lot of ill-advised purchases that I make, this one ended up hardly being used after the first few times. But now, I had a chance to redeem myself and find a new life for it. The light projector mobile has only one picture scene that rotates in a circle around some stuffed animals, and I figured I could improve upon it. 

While infants see colors when they are born, they gravitate more towards, black, white, and red patterns and objects. I made a video clip of various patterns with this in mind and added some soothing lullaby music to it that I could play with my mini projector. 

I showed my creation to the wife and while she was impressed and happy that I had finally found a use for my expensive toy, she was concerned that instead of putting the baby to sleep, it would keep her awake. A good point, but no customer which commented on the mobile said that it kept their baby awake, so I’m not too concerned. Also, I’ve got a couple of babies lined up to be test subjects for my mini projector. 

This also brought up the question as to why I purchased the light projector mobile if I was already making one. Another good point. I guess looking back, I should have gone with the rainforest mobile to add a little variety, but how was I supposed to know at the time that I would come up with such an awesome idea.

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