December 14, 2010

I Had It Coming

Entering into her second trimester, the bodily pains that my wife has been experiencing don’t seem to be dwindling. I’ve read that in some women, the pains don’t stop throughout the whole pregnancy. This could spell trouble for the both of us. Especially me.

Her daily complaints are something that everyone is used to by now. As her mom frankly states, “Has there ever been a day in your life when you haven’t had some sort of problem?” Or my favorite line from her sister Anita, “How is this any different from before you were pregnant?”

She gets more sympathy from me, as I’m trying to avoid getting into timeout for the millionth time. But as I’ve said before, it’s hard to really relate with someone when you haven’t experienced what they’re going through. Anybody can say, “That sucks,” or “I’m sorry,” but it’s not the same. However, I think I came pretty close the other night to empathizing with her.

I had a major case of food indigestion. The cramps were so bad they left me curled up in the fetal position, moaning and groaning. The cramp’s my wife gets must be something on this level. I tell her that I understand now. I see why she’s sometimes brought to tears. Why she wants to call it quits on some days. I feel a deeper spiritual connection with her now, something on a more transcendental plane.

I think I’ve hit a major breakthrough. I weakly raise my arms to embrace her, but she just goes off on a lecture about how I stuff myself like a pig when eating and how I deserve this.

Come on! I thought we were connecting!

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