June 2, 2011

Go Joe!

Yesterday night, I asked Jessie if she was ready for labor and whether or not she knew what to expect. She said yes, and started rambling a bunch of nonsense, which gave away the fact that she really didn’t. I told her I wanted to sit down and clarify a few things with her.

As I began my lesson on the stages of labor, this is the conversation that ensued:

Me: So, during the transition phase, contractions last 60…….
Jessie: Stop, stop, stop!
Me: What’s the matter? Am I going too fast?
Jessie: No. I don’t want to know any of this. I only need to know the basics.
Me: You mean you don’t want my advanced placement class?
Jessie: Yes.
Me: So, exactly what are the basics?
Jessie: When blood starts coming out or my water breaks, I’m going to the hospital. That’s all I need to know.
Me: Oh….

It’s interesting how we have two completely different lines of thought. I’ve always aligned myself with the G.I. Joe motto, “Knowing is half the battle.” Jessie is obviously part of the “Less is more” campaign.

To her, going into labor is already a scary enough ordeal. She doesn’t need to know any of the graphic details. The less she knows about what’s happening next, the better. As long as there’s a competent doctor taking care of things, she’ll be fine and dandy. I don’t know if I completely agree with that, but I can respect her opinion and wishes.

I tell her not to worry and that I will be keeping a tab on her and taking notes on how everything is progressing during labor, although I promise to keep things to myself.

1 comment:

  1. Don't worry, you'll be so anxious, tired, and scared out of your mind during labor that you you'll forget to do everything except stand helplessly by as the person you love more than anything else in the world writhes in the most agonizing pain imaginable. It is indescribable.
