June 9, 2011

Birth Story

I'm going to assume most people don't want to read through a long, boring post. If that includes you, click HERE to jump straight to the pictures!

June 7, 11:45 a.m.
– We arrive at the hospital. I prepare myself for another rejection.

12:30 p.m. – The doctor takes a look at Jessie. Contractions still aren’t where they need to be, but her cervix has dilated to almost 4 cm. He takes pity on us and admits us into the hospital. Third time’s the charm. Victory at last!

1:00 p.m. – After an ultrasound and a blood and urine sample, Jessie is wheeled into the waiting room where she’ll be until the second stage of labor. Then she’ll go into the delivery room for the final hurrah.

1:45 p.m.Jessie: Can I get an epidural now?
Nurse: Well, your blood test hasn’t come back yet. We usually wait for that before deciding whether or not it’s safe to proceed.
Jessie: That’s nice. So, I’m getting the epidural now, right?
Nurse: Uhh…not exactly.
Jessie: I was promised a freaking epidural! Now give it to me!
Nurse: Like I said, we’re still waiting for the results of your blood test.
Jessie: Where’s my epidural?! How long before I get it?!
Nurse: Results should be back in about an hour.
Jessie: No! I was promised an epidural when I first got here. You lied!
Nurse: I’ll see what we can do.
Jessie: Give me my epidural! Baby, make them give it to me!
Me: (Menacingly shaking a fist at the nurse) Give my wife her epidural or else! Grr…!
Me: How was that?
Jessie: (Cries softly)

2:30 p.m. – Cervix has now dilated to almost 8 cm. The nurse says that since Jessie is so close to giving birth, there may be no need for an epidural. Wrong thing to say, buddy. Wrong thing to say.


3:00 p.m. – No blood result yet = A very angry, upset, annoyed, mad, livid, irate, aggravated, pissed-off Jessie.

3:30 p.m. – I’m hoping that the blood result never comes. If that happens, then Jessie won’t get her epidural. Everyone is in agreement that she shouldn't use it at this point. Everyone except for Jessie, of course. To calm her down, we used some stalling techniques.

Jessie’s Mom: Well, I just went to talk to the nurse. She said the results should be coming soon. (She was really outside talking on the phone.)

Me: Don’t worry honey. Look, your mom’s going out to tell the nurse to hurry up with the results. (She was really going to the bathroom.)

Me: Ok, I just talked to the doctor. He said the results should be here in 10 minutes. (Yea, right.)

My mom: What’s that? I think I hear them coming down the hall with your epidural! (There’s silence in the hallway.)

Jessie: Liars! You’re all liars!!!

3:45 p.m. – Water breaks. No epic Noah’s flood here. Just a little stream.

4:00 p.m. – Results from the blood tests are finally in. Jessie’s cleared to have an epidural if she wants one. The doctor is still recommending that she doesn’t use it as she’s close to birth and the epidural could slow down the process. His words barely register with her. She’s getting that epidural.

4:20 p.m. – The nurses finish setting up the epidural. If Jessie had seen the size of the needle they used and the way they inserted it into her, she probably would have never wanted it in the first place. The drug has an immediate effect on Jessie as she falls strangely silent and is seemingly at peace.

4:30 p.m. – A nurse comes to check how Jessie’s cervix is doing. It’s almost at 10 cm.

4:45 pm. – A nurse comes in to ask when Jessie last peed. Jessie has no idea. Oooh!! Oooh!! I know!! A quick glance in my notebook reveals the answer – 1 o’clock. I knew all my note taking would come in handy.

4:50 p.m. – Another nurse comes in and asks when Jessie started using the epidural. The nurse that’s attending to Jessie doesn’t know. Oh, but I do Alex Trebek! For $500, what is, 4:30 p.m.?

5:10 p.m. – With Jessie's cervix completely dilated, the nurse teaches her how to push by pulling her legs towards her chest with her hands. This will help move the baby down the birth canal. Every time she has a contraction, she’s to do this movement. She’s to do this until we see a quarter-sized piece of the head peeking out. Only then can she move into the delivery room.

5:20 p.m. – Jessie’s mom, my mom, and I have all joined in on the campaign to get Jessie to the delivery room. I’m pulling Jessie’s shoulders up and Jessie’s mom and my mom have a leg each that they’re pulling on to help her.

In between each contraction, Jessie’s legs have started to go into spasms because of the energy that she’s exerting. Therefore, we begin massaging Jessie’s body and giving her words of encouragement while she’s resting. She’s a prize fighter and we’re her cornermen. Let’s get it on!

We're working just as hard as Jessie is. And to make matters worse, the nurse comes and turns off the epidural. Uh-oh. Angry Jessie is going to be back on the prowl soon. Muhammad Ali is about to turn into Mike Tyson.

6:05 p.m. – The doctor comes to see how far along Jessie is in pushing. She’s still got a bit of pushing to do before she’s ready for the delivery room. Jessie explains to him that pain is beginning to creep back into her body, but if the doctor were to give her another epidural injection, well, she could probably push that baby out in 10 seconds flat. I’m not too surprised that he didn’t fall for that one.

I don’t think Jessie should be using it anymore and I voice my opinion. I just tune out her cursing and say that we should wait and see how she feels in a bit before making any decisions. Maybe she can make it without the epidural. The doctor seconds my opinion. Oh yea! I’m finally getting some due credit around here.

However, all that is overruled when a nurse comes in later and Jessie convinces her to turn on the epidural again.

7:10 p.m. – Jessie’s still diligently pushing at each contraction but the little bugger doesn’t seem to want to budge. Team Jessie is completely spent from helping her push, but we keep at it.

7:25 p.m. – Jessie asks the nurse to up the dosage of her epidural injection. Come on! Did you think labor was supposed to be a pain free experience? This isn’t supposed to be a trip to the country club. There’s no such thing as a free ride.

7:45 p.m. – A nurse comes in to turn off the epidural again. Jessie puts up a fit. The nurse says it’s causing Jessie’s labor to slow down. We’re all begging Jessie to suck it up while she enters into the home stretch, but she’s hooked. Finally, the nurse has had enough of Jessie’s shenanigans, ignores her pleas, and turns off the machine.

8:00 p.m. – The fear of prolonged pain must have jumpstarted Jessie’s willpower, as she begins pushing enthusiastically again, and by the time 8 o’clock rolls around, it’s decided that she can go into the delivery room.

8:10 p.m. – Finally, this is the scene that you always see in movies. Jessie’s sitting in the seat with her legs up on the stirrups and the doctor’s at the bottom awaiting the baby. However, the movies have left one part out. There’s a nurse that’s using her forearm to physically help push the baby down and out of Jessie. It’s not a light push either. She’s bearing her entire weight onto Jessie’s poor belly. I expect to see the baby come flying out.

8:18 p.m. – Caitlyn Olivia Wu enters into the world! She weighs in at a healthy 3,416 grams. She’s got five finger on each hand, five toes on each foot, and no tail. In other words, she’s perfect!

8:30 p.m. – The placenta follows shortly after Caitlyn Olivia.

Where are you going?
Me: I’m going to take a picture of our alien baby.
Doctor: What alien baby? There’s no alien baby here.
Me: Yea, there is.
Doctor: Where?
Me: Over there! The placenta!
Doctor and nurses: ….
Jessie: Just ignore him.

June 8, 1:00 a.m. – Now that labor is over and done with, and we’ve finally settled down in our recovery room, I can finally reflect back on everything that’s transpired. It’s been a grueling 24 hours of labor. I can happily say that Jessie and I survived the ordeal with flying colors.

Somehow, I never thought labor was going to be like this. I figured I’d be standing at Jessie’s side with camera in hand, politely cheering her on while she’s doing all the work.

Never did I think I would see every graphic detail that took place. I always thought everything would be pristinely covered by towels and curtains, but everything was laid bare to see.

If you like blood and guts and all things that come with it (that would be me), labor surely does not disappoint. This was like watching an unrated version of the Discovery channel. I found everything surprisingly interesting. Here was everything that I had been reading about in my baby books, brought to life.

With this out of the way, the next challenge awaits us – being parents! This one could slightly be more imposing and intimidating. And it begins in about an hour when the nurse brings baby Caitlyn into our room to breastfeed!

First moment together
Tired baby

Family photo
Cry baby
Proud grandparents
All cleaned up

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations, my man. She looks great. You know where to go for answers to the million questions that come with raising a child.
