September 8, 2011

3 Month Milestones

Grandpa Lin: Maybe her hair sticks up because it’s so startled by her screams and cries.
A topic that almost always arises when people see our baby is her hair. She’s got a mini mo-hawk that I think is quite endearing. Unfortunately, not everyone shares in my opinion, especially my mom. Every time I talk to my mom on the phone, she’ll tell me that Caitlyn’s hair isn’t very proper for a girl and to stop putting it into a mo-hawk. 

That’s all fine and dandy except for the fact that I don’t even do anything to her hair. It just naturally sticks up by itself, which I’m guessing is caused by the two hair whorls she has on the back of her head. For awhile, the wife and her mom were constantly trying to comb it down, but it just kept popping right back up. They’ve finally given up.

It’s almost reminiscent of the cowlick I had as a kid. No matter what I’d do to my hair, the back would always poof up, kind of like Dennis the Menace, and it was nowhere as cool as Caitlyn’s hairdo. Therefore, I finally shaved off all my hair in high school and haven’t really had the urge to grow it back since.

Mini Mo-hawk
What my cowlick looked like

Now that she’s turned 3 months, Caitlyn’s passed a few big milestones. First, she can easily track people with her eyes and smiles a lot. She loves looking at people and things. Unfortunately, that also includes the TV. Especially the TV.

She’s also beginning to have more control over her hands and is able to grab and hold on to things. Third, my precious mobile, which had been largely ignored, has now become a source of enjoyment for her when she lies in the crib.

But the biggest jump for our baby is that she’s starting to roll over onto her stomach. She’s been trying for awhile, and finally succeeded about two weeks ago, much to the dismay of the wife, who now has to constantly check to make sure the baby’s OK. Just another thing to add to her list of things to worry about.

I did some research and found that most babies usually start off by rolling from their stomach to their back around 2-3 months because it’s easier and then from their back to their stomach around 5-6 months.

Our baby hasn’t rolled onto her back yet. During tummy time, she’ll just lie on her stomach and flop her head around. However, put her on her back and she’ll start bucking and kicking and flailing around until she’s got herself turned onto her stomach. Perhaps she didn’t get the memo that states that you roll from your stomach to your back first.

Rolling over

 Playing on her play mat

 Sticking out her tongue

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