September 21, 2011

A Happy Ending

Looks like I’ll be putting a hold on burning all “Daddy’s Girl” themed clothes. I’ve managed to get my baby mojo back!

After rushing home after work yesterday, I changed into the wife’s nightie and for extra measure and luck, also put on a pair of her leggings that she had laying around. Never hurts to be extra prepared. The wife had gone out with the baby to buy some groceries, but when they came back at 5:30, I swooped in to pick up the baby and scurried to our bedroom, away from the wife.

Caitlyn was already in a fussy mood from sitting in the baby stroller, and a period of crying and screaming ensued for about 15 minutes. I began to fear that I might not be able to ever hold her again, but persistence paid off, and she finally began to tire and eventually fell asleep in my arms. Normally, I would have put her down in her crib, but I needed to use every minute of my time with Caitlyn to my advantage, and so continued to hold her while she slept.

At 6:30, the wife leaves to go to her mom’s house for dinner. With her presence and scent gone, I’m able to breathe a bit easier. Eventually, I decide to put Caitlyn back in her crib at 7:00 so she can get a good rest.

The wife calls later to check up on things and tells me to bring the baby to her mom’s house at 8:00. I balk at the idea because I planned on having her to myself for the evening. However, the wife said we needed to start having more people hold Caitlyn so she could get used to it. I’ve got a feeling that she’s trying to undermine my bonding time with my daughter, but I know that’s just paranoia setting in.

At 8:00, I begrudgingly wake Caitlyn up and carry her to the mother-in-law’s house, which is just down the street. Surprisingly, Caitlyn doesn’t even make a sound the entire time!  I think I might be slowly winning her back. Or maybe she’s still a bit out of it and doesn’t exactly know what’s going on.

As I go to eat dinner, Grandma comes and takes Caitlyn off to feed. So far so good. No cry or whimper coming from her mouth yet. But after finishing her meal, and then perhaps finally realizing who was holding her, Caitlyn begins her crying, and doesn’t stop until Grandma hands her off to me.

A few minutes of walking around with the baby and singing quietly, and I’ve got her calm again.  Grandma comes back for round 2, but gets KO’ed in a matter of minutes. I’m back in the driver’s seat again, working my magic, getting Caitlyn to calm back down. Jessie insists that her mom try again, but round 3 doesn’t go any better for her. I helpfully try suggesting that perhaps she try wearing some of Jessie’s clothes next time.

I’m in high spirits as we walk back home around 9:00. The rest of the night continues smoothly for us. I give Caitlyn a bath and a feeding at midnight before heading off to bed. I’ve managed to keep the wife’s contact with the baby to a bare minimum, and more importantly, got back on Caitlyn’s good side. Life doesn’t get much better than this.

Ain't no shame in my game.

1 comment:

  1. Daniel L9/26/2011

    I should start calling you Eddie Rodman wearing your wife's clothes.
