November 28, 2012

Training Camp

My parents arrived for their bi-annual visit last week, which means Caitlyn has been kicked from her room and is now back in ours. This has led to irregular sleep schedules and resulted in her waking up at least once or twice during the night and getting up at 6:30 in the morning.

This could be a problem because Caitlyn has officially begun her weaning off process at school this week, and a tired, cranky baby is not the easiest thing to manage. But thus far, the wife has been reporting back positive progress.

Right now, the teacher has her sitting in the corner of the classroom while she takes Caitlyn off to play. Every 15 minutes or so, Caitlyn will go back to check up on Mommy, but will then go back to play afterwards. The goal is for the wife to slowly disappear minutes at a time until she's able to be gone for the whole morning. They haven't given a specific timetable for this, but hopefully by the end of the week. I think this is definitely doable as long as Caitlyn is kept preoccupied and busy.

The getting acquainted process between Caitlyn and the grandparents has also been going well. This past weekend, they were able to take her to the toy store and park by themselves without any problems. And they were able to take care of the baby for a few hours yesterday afternoon while the wife and I went to run a few errands.

Our aim is to have them be able to pick up Caitlyn at school and take care of her until 5 p.m. This would give the wife a break and also hopefully create a stronger bond between Caitlyn and her grandparents. It’s a win-win situation for everyone, so hopefully we can convince Caitlyn to jump onto the bandwagon, too.

See, Grandpa doesn't bite!
Piece of cake

We're all smiles!
Ready for a walk
And we're back to being serious
Not a Mommy-approved activity
Is this how they ride horses in Texas?

I can do this....
In another month

Looking dapper dan
Hands up if you love suspenders!

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