November 1, 2012

The Decision

Break out the party streamers and champagne! After months of deliberation, the wife has finally settled on Option B, which is a Montessori school called Ivy’s House.

I have one vivid memory during my time at a Montessori school when I was a kid. During snack time, the teacher would always choose one person to peel and cut the carrots. I thought it was the coolest job ever and always wanted to do it.

Whenever snack time was approaching, I would always try to be on my best behavior and super engaged in whatever activity I was doing, hoping the teacher would notice and choose me, but she never did. I could never figure out why. It's always bothered me a bit. Well, it doesn’t matter anymore because I can now peel and cut all the carrots I want to my heart’s content!

One thing that had prevented us from going to Ivy’s House earlier was the fact that they require the children to be able to walk, which Caitlyn couldn’t do at the time. Even now, they say because Caitlyn still isn’t walking very well on her own, the wife needs to be in the classroom with her to help.

This sounds a bit absurd to me because we’re paying them to help take care of our baby, not the other way around. Because of this, the wife has been mulling over how soon to start sending Caitlyn. If we started sending her now, the wife might have to stay at the school with her for a few weeks. However, i
f we held out long enough until Caitlyn started walking better, then the wife wouldn't have to stick around the school.

I suppose it all comes down to how much longer the wife can stand the baby before she's driven completely crazy by her, which apparently is right now, because Caitlyn will start going to Ivy's House on Monday. I don't know how this will turn out, but things should be interesting starting next week.

Did someone call my name?
Here I come, Cynthia Rothrock!

Time for some push-ups
Why so serious, Daddy?

Run, Forrest, run!
The baby giant

Soaking in the rays
Ready for blast off!

Am I pooping?
Come to Mommy!

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