July 7, 2012

The Flying Cow

Our first overnight trip with the grandparents was to a country farm called The Flying Cow this past Wednesday. At the farm, you can do all sorts of stuff like feeding and petting the farm animals, milking the cows, getting bit by mosquitoes, and making butter and ice cream.

Of course, it was way too hot for Caitlyn to really be out in the sun for an extended period of time, so while the wife, baby, and grandparents all opted for the comfort of our air conditioned guest room for the majority of our stay, I was free to explore the place at my own leisurely pace. As it turns out, it is quite a pleasant place to visit.

Besides the heat and the overabundance of mosquitoes, the only other low point of the trip came when I put the wife in charge of the camcorder. She assured me she could handle it after I told her all she had to do was push the red button to record and to stop. But at the end of all our Kodak moments, the wife gravely informed me that she wasn't sure if she had even recorded anything. And sure enough, after double checking, nothing had been recorded.

How does that happen?! I didn't think it could get any easier than pushing a little red button. Ah, well. I'm sure we'll be making a return trip to the farm in the future when Caitlyn is older and more able to participate in all the activities. But maybe, this time we'll go in the fall when it’s not so gosh darn hot.

I think I'll just hang out in
our nice, cool room!

Let me help you plan our itinerary

Even fake cows need shade
Barn house/restaurant

Awesome landscape
Taking a casual stroll

So peaceful
Can we buy our own farm?
Let me out!
Peep peep!

Lots of butterflies at the farm
Wannabe butterfly

Look at the camera
and say, "Moo!"
Are you sure this is safe?

You want to switch?
Pedal faster, girl!
Look! A cow!
A nice country stroll at sunset
Feed me!
Grandma showing how it's done
Ah! Get away!
Should I be embarrassed that I'm
scared of a little lamb?
Help! This cow's a meat-eater!
Fresh milk
Raise your hand if
you're having fun!
On the bridge to our room

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