June 8, 2012

Hair Today, Gone Tomorrow

Caitlyn has been getting a lot of flak recently about her hair being too long. Personally, I like the shaggy look, but me being the only person that likes it doesn’t justify not cutting her hair. But in all honesty, it probably does need a trim, which is why we took to the shears over the past weekend to cut off her locks.

Initially, I was the one set to cut her hair because I’ve got the experience to back it up. Ever since high school, I’ve cut my own hair. It’s not too hard since I keep it short, but it still does require a bit of knowhow.

It wasn’t until the wife started complaining about me making a mess in the bathroom a few years back that I finally decided to stop. By my own calculations, that’s about 14 years of cutting my own hair. If a haircut costs about 10 bucks including tip and I get a haircut once a month, that’s a total savings of $1,680!

And it’s not just my own hair that I would cut. I would also cut my friends’ hair. So I was more than up to the task of cutting Caitlyn’s hair. Yes, I might not have as much experience cutting girls’ hair, but I have done it before. And yes, while those turned out to be complete disasters, they proved to be valuable training experience.  Besides, the baby’s hair wasn’t that long, and she didn’t need anything stylish.

But once the wife saw me with the shaver in one hand and the scissors in the other, she suddenly wasn’t so sure. Rather than get chewed out over a haircut that didn’t turn out to the wife’s liking, I decided to let her have at it instead. This way, I could flip the script on her and chew her out if our baby turned out with some weird looking bowl cut.

Is this the before or after shot?
In the end, much to my disappointment, the wife barely cut much off. If I hadn’t been there to witness it myself, I probably wouldn’t have even noticed it. When I mentioned this to the wife, she said that I could have a go at it myself. While tempting, I know better than to step into this trap.

And before I forget, “Happy one year birthday, Caitlyn!” We almost didn’t celebrate it because she’s been sick the past few days, but thankfully, her fever went away the day of her birthday. It was a great night of celebrating with the family. I believe the highlight had to be Auntie Anita and Uncle Vincent’s pimped out rocking horse that they got her. How the heck do you top that?!
Let's get the party started!
Time to pop the balloons!
How hard can I squeeze these
without popping?
Check out my new ride, Grandma!

Faster, White Lightning!
Who wants to play with me?
Stop pointing your finger
and look at the camera, Daddy!
The Three Amigos

1 comment:

  1. We get comments about our 13 month old son's hair being in his eyes. I just pull it up into a top knot, it's super cute.
