February 9, 2012

My Vacation Begins

Now that the Chinese New Year break is over and it’s time for me to head back to work, it can only mean one thing… time for my vacation to begin! Haha! Just joking. Well, maybe only half-joking. Work is definitely less time-consuming than taking care of a baby. And I can go to the bathroom whenever I please, without fear of the baby going into a fit.

My parents’ visit is almost over, with only a week left in their stay. Unfortunately, the majority of their trip has been marred by cold, rainy weather. However, this has given them ample time at home to try and win Caitlyn over.

By consistently sticking to his guns and not giving up, Grandpa has finally lengthened the amount of time Caitlyn allows him to play with her to 30 minutes, though most of the time, she’ll still whine for Mommy after only a few minutes.

Grandma, on the other hand, either thinks that babies need more sleep than playtime or has a low threshold for the constant whining of a baby. Here are a few of her favorite things to say to Caitlyn.

“What?! You’re up already? I think you need more sleep!” – right after a nap

“You look tired. Why don’t you go take a nap?” – 10 minutes after a nap

“Someone sounds like they need a nap!” – whenever Caitlyn yawns

“Oh, oh! What’s the matter? Do you want to take a nap?” – whenever Caitlyn whines, which is like every 5 minutes

“Are you going to bed? Ok, good night!” – whenever Caitlyn goes into the bedroom to change clothes or diapers

“Now that your belly’s full, you can take a nice nap!” – after each feeding

Bath time is happy time
Splish splash!
Eating can be a messy affair
Finally, the sun comes out!
Spending the day outdoors
Calla lilies in Yangming Mountain
Happy to be outside
Enjoying the scenery
How come only the wife's smiling?
Family shot minus me

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