December 26, 2011

A Gymboree Christmas

This year, my parents had planned on coming to visit a few days before Christmas, but because they waited too long, tickets were all sold out, and instead, now have to wait until mid-January to come. Add in the fact that I don’t get any time off from work for the holidays coupled with the busyness of taking care of a baby, and it was a bit hard to really get into the Christmas spirit.

However, we tried to make the best of it. On Friday, we received a package from my parents for Caitlyn and decided then that Christmas Eve’s Eve should be the day we open presents. No need in waiting for Christmas Day.

Caitlyn received some new winter clothes to wear from her grandparents, as well as from me, and a growth chart from Mommy. The wife’s been wanting a new pair of glasses, so I got her that. And in keeping with her list of presents that involve clothing, I received two pairs of underwear from the wife. I guess the only thing left is socks for my next birthday?

Store was all out of Christmas wrapping
Someone likes her new glasses

On Christmas Day, we took Caitlyn to Gymboree, the play and music center for babies. At first, I was hesitant to go, mainly because I thought we’d just end up standing outside the building with a crying baby, looking in. Why pay for that kind of torture? I can just as well listen to her screams and cries in the comfort of my own home for free. But since this was a trial class, and thus at a discounted price, what did we have to lose besides our dignity.

As a wonderful Christmas present to us, Caitlyn behaved beautifully there and I must say, it was an enjoyable experience for all three of us. She definitely seemed to be engaged in all the different activities we did and being able to interact with other babies and people was also good for her socially.

In the end, we decided to sign-up for a year-long package, which includes 50 classes and free use of their play area during designated times. Sure, it was a bit pricey, but it was Christmas. Plus, I figure if we’re only going to have one kid, might as well splurge on her a bit.

Some people might argue that all these activities are things that you can do yourself at home for free, which is true, so all we’re really paying for is  convenience. The convenience to use their facilities and resources and the convenience of getting her socially acclimated with other people and babies. But that's exactly what I want. Convenience. Besides, it was great to see her having fun somewhere else other than our home and not crying. To me, this is all worth it. If this helps her grow into a happy, well-balanced individual, then I’m all for it.

You gonna eat the rest of that?
Looking at the gingerbread house

Family photo time
Her new favorite game
All bundled up
Swinging away
Sliding down on a towel
Going down the slide
Enjoying the train ride

Playing on the rolling tube
Bubble time
But I don't want to get off!

Enjoying the different colors
Watching the parachute go up

Grab the parachute!
All tuckered out

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