August 24, 2013

Real Convos with My 2-Year-Old

When I started growing little, itty bitty spots on my hands from the enterovirus, I thought, “Hey, these are pretty cute.” But now that they’ve mutated into sores and blisters and taken on a life of their own, I’m having second thoughts about the cuteness, unless you consider a leper cute. My mouth looks like it could belong on a poster addressing the dangers of STD's, and I’ll spare you a photo of my feet with blisters peeling off. It’s cruel how a disease that mainly persists in children is actually more potent in adults. But I suppose better me looking like a leper than my daughter.

With all this time off this week, I’ve managed to catch up on a lot of reading and also stumbled upon some Youtube videos I found on a fellow blogger’s site. It’s a series called “Convos with My 2-Year-Old.” It’s basically about a dad and the conversations he has with his daughter with the twist being that another grown man is taking the place of his 2 year old daughter in the videos. They're all rather amusing, in my opinion.

But this got me thinking; this guy is having some pretty advanced conversations with his daughter. I don’t know if she’s at the front-end or the tail-end of being 2, but either way, that’s some impressive stuff. I actually want some proof that this guy isn’t yanking my chain. Show us some real conversations of you and your daughter!

Caitlyn’s almost 2 years and 3 months old now and this is what our typical conversations look like. Think these would make for some good videos? I would title them, "REAL Convos with My 2-Year-Old."

Catilyn: TV!

: No. You can’t watch TV yet. It’s too early.

Caitlyn: TV!
: No. The TV’s sleeping now. Shhh…

: Sleeping?

: Yes. Sleeping.

: Shhh….

: Shhh…

: TV!!!!!!

(telephone ringing)

Me: Hello?
Caitlyn: (comes running over) Who.
Me: (talking on the phone)
Caitlyn: Who!
Me: (talking on the phone)
Caitlyn: WHO!!!!
Me: It’s Grandma.
Caitlyn: Oh. (walks away)

Look at my cake!
Time for a wish
Tilted sideways
It's a Kodak moment

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