July 3, 2013

Days 1 and 2

I’ve got some good news and some bad news. Good news is that we got through our flight to America without a hitch. Caitlyn behaved perfectly, or at least as perfectly as a 2 year old can be. Sure, she had ants in her pants the entire time and kept wanting to leave her seat, but that was to be expected. At least there was no crying or tantrums.

Bad news is that she has jet lag. At first, I thought we got lucky because we arrived in Houston at 2 p.m., and she didn’t go to sleep until 8 pm like she normally does. She got up once in the middle of the night, but shortly thereafter, went back to sleep. However, she didn’t wake up until 3 in the afternoon the following day.

Our second night here, she just flat out refused to go to bed and because my mom frowned upon my Iron Fist Policy, I couldn’t just leave her in the bed to cry. Therefore, I stayed up until 4 in the morning playing with her. Assuming she sleeps at least 12 hours, she’ll be getting up at 4 in the afternoon today at the earliest. Actually, that’s pretty smart on her part. Sleep during the day when it’s at its hottest, and then wake up to play once it’s cooled down. Too bad there really isn’t much to see or do in the middle of the night though.

Time with Grandpa and Grandma has been great. Caitlyn still remembers them and there was no shyness on her part. Three cheers for Facetime! It also didn’t take her long to get accustomed to the house. Now she’s running up and down the stairs and playing with all the toys Grandma amassed for her. She seems particularly intrigued in the backyard as we don’t have one in Taiwan. There are squirrels, dragonflies, lizards, and all sorts of bugs to look at and plenty of fruits and vegetables for her to pick.

So far, her favorite activity is riding her tricycle. She insists on riding it inside and outside the house, which my parents are more than happy to comply with. I think by the end of this trip, she’ll probably never want to leave here. It wouldn’t surprise me if that’s what Grandpa and Grandma are hoping for!

Trying to keep busy
Sleep time

Happy Reunion
First order of business
Toys and more toys
Vroom vroom!
Bitter melon
Drawing on the wall
Choo choo!
Three Amigos
Ahh! Shark!
Where's Nemo?
Best buds
It's been a good 2 days

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