May 21, 2012

Our First Overnight Trip

After months of talking about it, planning, backing out, and postponing, we finally conquered one of our biggest fears – taking Caitlyn out for an overnight trip. Some of you might ask, “Why would you put yourself through this torture? Stay in the comfort of your own home!”

Well, with my parents coming in June, we thought it would be nice to take some short family trips with them, but before we could do that, we had to be sure Caitlyn could handle it.

Our trip was to Yilan, a city that’s about 1 ½ hours from Taipei. Far away enough to make it seem like an actual trip, but close enough that we could run home if we encountered any problems.

To prepare for our endeavor, we packed:
6 bibs
4 burp cloths
3 changes of clothes
two pairs of socks
10 diapers
a towel
a big packet of wet wipes
skin moisturizer
rash lotion
ear thermometer
fever-reducing medicine
5 baby bottles
a bottle of liquid soap
a bottle brush
bottled baby food
freshly made baby food
a canister of baby formula
3 pacifiers
a thermos of water
her crib mattress
baby carrier
4 spoons
a baby bowl
3 board books

Am I forgetting anything here? I probably am. Succinctly put, it was a lot of stuff just for a baby. A lot of the stuff we never used, but it’s better to be overprepared than underprepared.

Following a planned strategy of leaving right before Caitlyn’s first nap at 11:00, we were able to have a peaceful first hour in the car before having to endure an hour of slight fussing once she woke up. Our b&b was next to a lake, and I was quite surprised at how quaint and peaceful everything was. Kudos to the wife for picking this place!

Up to this point, Caitlyn was acting like she normally would on any given day. The big test would come at night. She has never slept outside of our house or her crib, so we weren’t sure how she would respond. But when 8:30 rolled around, I put her down on her mattress, and she quietly fell asleep without a fuss. In fact, she actually slept more peacefully than she normally would at home. Imagine that!

In the end, I am pleased to say that the trip was a success.
Caitlyn passed with flying colors! Even the sporadic rain that fell couldn't dampen our moods. The only thing I can find fault with is with my camera and memory stick. Somehow, about half the photos I took suddenly became unviewable. It's not the first time this has happened. Which might mean it's time for a new camera!  

Now that we know taking our baby out on overnight trips is possible, that expands our choices of things we can do. The next big step is to try taking her on a plane, which might happen if we take a trip with my parents this summer. But it’s still something we’re mulling over. Taking a car trip is one thing. Taking a plane trip is a whole other ball game. The big question is, is Caitlyn up for the challenge?

Yay! We're going on a trip!
So far, so good!

If you're happy and you know it, clap your hands!

Taking a break
Waiting out the rain
A walk in the park
At the lake

Boat ride on the lake
The countryside
Bug sex!
Listening to a grandma go on about her grandkids

Inspecting the room
Organizing Mommy's messy wallet
My favorite picture!
Yummy country breakfast

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