August 15, 2011


I distinctly remember my very first recollection of reading. I was upstairs looking at the book, Chester, by Syd Hoff, when the letters and words suddenly had meaning to me and everything just clicked together. Excited, I rushed downstairs and demonstrated to my mom that I could read on my own. Very proudly, she told me to show my dad when he got home from work.

As a child, I always enjoyed going to the library to read books. But somewhere in middle school and high school, the enjoyment disappeared, and story books were replaced with textbooks. During this time, I don’t think I picked up a book strictly for entertainment, and the ones that I did touch were ones required for class.

This continued up until I entered graduate school, where I had to enroll in a children’s literature class. In the class, we had a list of 50+ children’s books that we had to read, which spanned a wide range of levels.

It was during this time that I remembered how much I used to enjoy reading. Today, I am happy to say that I still read books for pleasure, though most of the books I read now deal with taking care of fussy babies.

That’s why I went to the mall to purchase some books to read to Caitlyn. I want to make sure she starts off with a good foundation that will hopefully turn into a lifelong appreciation for books.

Even though I wasn’t thinking it at the store, I’m sure I was subconsciously aware that the 4 books that I had bought were just the beginning of what was to transpire.

4 books obviously weren’t going to cut it for someone like me who tends to go overboard on whatever he does. Therefore, I went home and found an online bookstore that sells books at half-price. Then, I proceeded for the next three days to spend hour upon hour price-checking books, reading reviews on various books, researching different book series, and deliberating which books I should buy.

The wife could only stand by and watch, with what must have been a bemused look on her face, at what should have been a pretty straightforward task. But then again, you are talking about the guy that spent days researching and analyzing which crib mobile to buy. Finally in the end, I somehow managed to get permission from the wife to order 30 books.

Did I really have to order all 30 books at once? Probably not, and I do admit a bit of regret for doing it now. But it’s not like the books will be going to waste. Yes, Caitlyn won’t really start understanding what I’m reading and saying to her for a few more months, but just knowing I have the books at my disposal is a comfort to me.

The icing on the cake will be when I send Caitlyn off to Harvard, knowing it was her first 30 (34 if you count the ones from the mall) books that helped pave the way.

Such a studious student!
There will be a quiz after this lesson.

Where's the mouse?
Point to the fishy!

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