August 23, 2011

Bath time

Hairdresser: So how’s your baby doing now?
Me: She’s doing fine. She’s two months old now.
Hairdresser: I bet you don’t know how to hold her.
Me: Uh, actually I do.
Hairdresser: No….
Me: Yes.
Hairdresser: No….
Me: Yes.
Hairdresser: You know you can’t be too rough with a baby, right?
Me: Yes, I know that.
Hairdresser: So you can really hold a baby?
Me: Yes.
Hairdresser: No….
Me: I even give her baths.
Hairdresser: What?! No….
Me: Yes.
Hairdresser: You know you can’t be too rough with a baby, right?
Me: Yes, I know that.
Hairdresser: So, you really know how to hold a baby, huh?
Me: Sigh….

Sure, the person who cuts my hair is of an older generation, but come on, people! It’s the 21st century. Taking care of a baby is no longer just a woman’s job anymore. Men can also change diapers, change clothes, wash bottles, give baths, and feed a baby.

Speaking of giving baths, I am pleased to announce that I have finally mastered giving Caitlyn a bath without any screaming or crying. Gone are the days of trying to bathe her with clothes on. Gone are the days of trying to frantically hold on to her while she bucked around in the sink. Bath time is now fun time for all of us.

I am also pleased to announce that Jessie has finally given Caitlyn her first bath. Well done to the both of you! 



Isn't she super cute when she's not crying?

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