December 17, 2014

Naughty or Nice?

About a week ago, I had a friend send me a Top Ten list of worst-behaved girls’ names. Our daughter’s first name, Caitlyn, (the list spelled it Caitlin) and middle name, Olivia, happened to make the list. Talk about a double whammy. 

At first, I brushed the list off as rubbish. Sure, our kid annoys the heck out of me by nagging at me and being a tattle-tale, but if that’s the worst she does, it doesn't seem half that bad. I've seen other kids whose names aren't even on the list throw tantrums, hit, bite, and be way worse than ours. Perhaps this list didn't know what it was talking about.

Then I read an online news headline about a 21-year-old girl who was suing her family for college tuition. Who in their right mind sues their family, especially after they've raised her and given her everything a child could need and more? I’m thinking this has to be one pretty rotten, ungrateful kid. I click the link to read more about this story and lo and behold, guess what the girl’s name is? I’ll give you a hint. It starts with a ‘C.’

Of all the names this girl could have had, did it seriously have to be Caitlyn?! Now I’m beginning to wonder if that list of worse-behaved girls’ names has some merit to it. Do I need to become wary of my own daughter in fear that she might try to back stab me one day? I mean, she already possesses the kind of headstrong, stubborn, obstinate personality the other Caitlyn seems to have. Heck, we even take our Caitlyn to Gymboree just like the family in the article took their Caitlyn! 

Reading through the mother's blog about the experience, it seems they did everything right as parents. They were involved in their daughter's life. They loved and cared for her. Unfortunately, it seems the only thing they did wrong was pick a name on the Top Ten list of worst-behaved names.

However, on a less depressing note, at least Hannah, the name I want to give our second daughter, made it to the Top Ten list of best-behaved names. This just might be what I need to sway the wife's opinion in my favor! And anyway, I suppose there always has to be at least one black sheep in the family. 







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